Connections & Resources

TSW has a good working relationship with the following companies listed in alphabetical order and can recommend their services. 

Breault Research Organization (BRO) in Tucson AZ

BRO sells APART a stray radiation code. Many BRO customers use data taken at TSW on their samples as an input to BRO products.

Lambda Research in Lincoln MA

Lambda Research sells TracePro a stray radiation code. Many Lambda customers use data taken at TSW on their samples as an input to Lambda products.

Photon Engineering in Tucson AZ

Photon Engineering sells FRED a stray radiation code. Many Photon customers use data taken at TSW on their samples as an input to Photon products.

ScatterMaster LLC in Tucson AZ

ScatterMaster manufactures scatter related instruments and is jointly owned by TSW and Agave Systems.  The company shares the TSW mailing address and operates out of the labs at both companies. The data from their products is compatible with the stray radiation codes sold by BRO, Lambda, Photon and others.